by B & C Mechanical Services | Jul 18, 2017 | General HVAC
It takes energy to keep a commercial building safe and comfortable. There are a lot of moving parts, literally. The HVAC system can account for approximately 25% of energy costs in a typical office setting. Besides keeping the HVAC system well maintained, there are...
by B & C Mechanical Services | Jun 28, 2017 | General HVAC
Heating and cooling a commercial building in Kansas, presents different challenges and needs than heating and cooling a home due to the size of the building and how many people it needs to accommodate at one time. Obviously there are many offices in different parts of...
by B & C Mechanical Services | Jun 13, 2017 | General HVAC
When thinking about protecting your HVAC system, hailstorms most likely don’t jump to the forefront of your mind, especially here in Kansas. But hailstorms do occur more frequently than people think, and HVAC systems are quite vulnerable to the damage hail can do....
by B & C Mechanical Services | Apr 27, 2017 | General HVAC
Being a property manager can mean stress and headaches at times. Property managers are pretty popular but maybe not in a good way for them––everybody wants and needs something from them at the same time. A high-pressure crisis often facing managers is an HVAC repair...
by B & C Mechanical Services | Apr 15, 2017 | General HVAC
Employers are always searching for ways to improve their employees’ productivity at work. While the employees retain responsibility for a myriad of factors themselves, there are quite a few in the reins of the employers, namely HVAC-system particulars. If employees...